[Insight-users] Persistent watershed segmentation

Brian Rowe briprowe at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 25 14:29:39 EDT 2004

I am trying to use the watershed segmentation
algorithm to segment a large volume.  Since this takes
a long time, and the input files are not going to
change, I'd like to save the results of the
segmentation.  That is to say, I'd like to save the
labeled image and the segmentation tree, with the
hopes of loading them and providing them to the
relabeler at run time.  

The way I am trying to do this is:
small utility application:
1) feed the appropriately filtered data to the
2) get the SegmentationTree, and save it to a file
3) get the BasicSegmentation (labeled image) and save
it to a file (using itk::RawImageIO)

User Application (GUI):
4) read the SegmentationTree
5) using itk::MetaImageIO read the BasicSegmentation
6) give the the tree, BasicSegmentation image, and the
user-selected flood level to the
7) display the new segmentation

I am having a hard time getting this to work, so I
have some questions...

Is there already an implementation of this?
Is this a feasible approach?

Thank you for your time...

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