[Insight-users] itkDeformationFieldInverseImageFilter

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue, 03 Feb 2004 12:55:06 -0500

Hi Corinne,

You seem to be missing to provide the specification
for the image region, origin and spacing.

Note that filter is basically a variant of the
"ResampleImageFilter" but applied to a vector image
and using the KernelSpline as a sort of transform.
+ interpolator. Therefore you need to specify the
parameters of the sampling grid you want to use for
resampling the inverse deformation fields.

Please look at the file


for an example on the use of this filter.

In particular you should add the lines

   FieldInverser->SetOutputOrigin(  origin );
   FieldInverser->SetOutputSpacing(  spacing );
   FieldInverser->SetSize(  size );

Please let us know if you encounter any problems,



Corinne Mattmann wrote:

> Hi,
> I just wanted to try the new DeformationFieldInverseImageFilter but it
> does not work with the deformable field I input. With the following code
> I get an empty output (size = [0, 0, 0]) with no exceptions thrown.
>   typedef itk::DeformationFieldInverseImageFilter<DeformationFieldType,
> DeformationFieldType> FieldInverseType;
>     FieldInverseType::Pointer FieldInverser = FieldInverseType::New();
>     FieldInverser->SetInput(ImageReader->GetOutput());
>     FieldInverser->SetSubsamplingFactor(10);
>     try{
>       FieldInverser->Update();
>     }
>     catch( itk::ExceptionObject &excep ){
>       std::cerr << "Exception catched!" << std::endl;
>       std::cerr << excep << std::endl;
>     }
> If I set the subsampling factor to 1, the program crashes at line 215 in
> itkDeformationFieldInverseImageFilter.txx
> (m_KernelTransform->ComputeWMatrix();), at line 416 in vnl_matrix.txx
> (this->data[i][j] = value;) because "data" does not exist (expression
> cannot be evaluated).
> Any ideas what went wrong?
> Thanks,
> Corinne
> ps: I could post the deformable field I use, if this helps.
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