[Insight-users] Dicom writing support

dov at imagic.weizmann.ac.il dov at imagic.weizmann.ac.il
Fri, 2 Jan 4 10:31:45 IST


I just found out about itk which at a first look is very impressive!

I saw that one of the features lacking is writing of Dicom files.  I
recently wrote a Dicom driver for the Gimp (http://www.gimp.org/)
which supports both reading and writing of dicom images. I thought
that someone with knowledge of the intrinsics of itk may want to have
a look at my source and copy the functionality into the Dicom driver.

You can see the code in the latest version of Gimp in:

or simply in gimp-1.3.23/plug-ins/common/dicom.c in the archive
ftp.gimp.org:/pub/gimp/v1.3/v1.3.23/gimp-1.3.23.tar.bz2 .

The code should be pretty straightforward. I'm making use of a few
glib specific features but it should be pretty straightforward to=20
port those to STL.=20

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Dov Grobgeld                                         ( o  o  ) o   |
The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel             \  o  /o  o /
"Where the tree of wisdom carries oranges"              | |   | |
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