[Insight-users] Got it working

Jayant Chauhan gripened@hotmail.com
Fri May 14 01:32:43 EDT 2004

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>Dear Luis,</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>Got it working. Thank you and sorry for the bother. Its almost morning and it seems I better take a nap, since havent slept in 2 days :)</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>THe problem was that it was iterating only for 2 iterations because MaxRMS was set to high (0.02). </DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>2) There is another problem I am facing, I am using ITK-1.6.0 and CMAKE 1.8.3. When I try to configure my ITK, there seems to be no USE_FLTK or USE_VTK flag in advanced options. What could be wrong ?! I have installed both FLTK and VTK on my windows term. I am using VC++ 6.0 and have also installed the service pack.</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>with regards</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>Jayant</DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>Win a Gillette MACH3 Razor. <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMBENIN/2728??PS=47575">Click Here. </a> </html>

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