[Insight-users] Narrowbanding in Geodesic Active Contour Level Set Image Filter

Jayant Chauhan gripened@hotmail.com
Wed May 19 12:31:13 EDT 2004

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>Hey fellas,</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>I seem to have got confused yet again. </DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>1) Since I am just using Geodesic Active Contour (GAC) Levelset Image Filter, and not fastmarching, can I set the narrowbanding on and also the width. Does GAC filter not use narrow banding ?! There seems to be no method in the itk::SegmentationLevelSetImageFilter which allows narrow banding.</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>2) ALso, this one is a bit more on the theoretical side. As you guys already might have known from my previous queries, I am working on motion estimation and tracking. </DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>Till now I have been able to detect and track the image in the first frame (using the difference image of the first 2 frames). Now I intend to use the output as the initial level set for the next frame. But there is a problem. The front gets stuck on other edges aswell thus missing out on the actual object that we had just tracked. Any solution anybody ?!!!</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>3) Has anybody not workd on Motion estimation and tracking on a video (static camera assumed). </DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>with regards</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>Yours Sincerely</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>Jayant</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>&nbsp;</DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>Earn without investing. <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMBENIN/2752??PS=47575">Sell  anything  on www.baazee.com.</a> </html>

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