[Insight-users] Speed of B-Splines Deformable Registration

Andy Eow vtkitk at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 5 15:16:30 EDT 2004


I'm trying to run the DeformableRegistration4.cxx example which uses B-Splines for non-rigid registration. My goal is to eventually replace the means squares metric in this example with a MI metric. However before that, I'm just simply running a slightly modified version of the example first to take in a 3D volume (200x200x200) instead of a 2D slice. After running for 2+ hours, this is all I get:

 F = 21.4132, GNORM = 1.62984
   I   NFN    FUNC        GNORM       STEPLENGTH
   1    2        18.592       1.131       0.614
   2    3        16.318       0.835       1.500

With a maximum iteration number at 1000, this process is going to take quite a few days to complete. I'm running this on a Pentium 1.6M with 1GB RAM. Just wanted to do a sanity check to see if this sounds normal. If not, what kind of worst case running times should I be expecting on a 3D volume of size 200x200x200?

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