[Insight-users] GradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter bug?

N.E. Mackenzie Mackay 9nem at qlink.queensu.ca
Thu Oct 7 10:58:08 EDT 2004


	I am currently trying to run the GradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter 
on an image and am having some troubles.  I am using the 
GradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter filter example code provided in 
the itk version 1.6.0 version and have made no changes.

	My problem is I cannot run the filter on a specific kind of 3 
dimensional image.  The image is actually a 2 dimensional image that I 
have simply read in as a 3 dimensional one.  When I run the filter I 
keep getting an abnormal termination error.  I have narrowed it down to 
being in itkRecursiveSeparableImageFilter on line 178 approxamatly.

	s2[i-1] = RealType(...)

I couldn't go further then that because I didn't know how.  I was 
wondering if anyone could give me some pointers on how to overcome this 

The real reason I am looking into this is this same function is called 
in the itkPointSetToImageRegistrationMethod and I need to over come it 
before I can proceed.

Thank you,

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