[Insight-users] WatershedSegmentTree...

C Heinzl C.Heinzl at fh-wels.at
Fri Aug 5 02:12:05 EDT 2005


I need to get a binary image of a watershed segmentation image. Basically I do the watershed the way shown in the examples. In the watershed segmented image there are about 10 major areas and lot of small minor areas. Tuning the parameters flooding level and threshold does not change too much to the resulting colored image regarding less and especially bigger areas. So I think the best thing would be some kind of hirarchical comparison. I found out that there is already a WatershedSegmentTree in ITK. Does itk create one tree or one graph of the segmented image? I think that there should be a"forrest" of trees, one for each local minimum. My question is: how can I combine the areas in my segmented image with the WatershedSegmentTree representation?


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