[Insight-users] new ImageIO.cxx

Martijn van der Bom martijn at isi.uu.nl
Fri Aug 19 06:41:17 EDT 2005

Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------

  Module:   itkV3DImageIO.h
  By:		ISI Image Registration Group, BOM


#include "itkV3DImageIO.h"
#include "itkExceptionObject.h"
#include "itkByteSwapper.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>

namespace itk

	V3DImageIO::V3DImageIO() {
		m_PixelType = SCALAR;
		m_ComponentType = USHORT;

	V3DImageIO::~V3DImageIO() {

bool V3DImageIO::CanReadFile(const char* f) {
  std::string filename = f;
  m_FileName = f;
  m_ComponentType = USHORT;

	if( filename == ""){
	  itkDebugMacro(<<"The filename extension is not recognized");
	  return false;
  bool extensionFound = false;
  std::string::size_type v3dPos = filename.rfind(".v3d");
	if ((v3dPos != std::string::npos)
     && (v3dPos == filename.length() - 4)) {
     extensionFound = true;

  v3dPos = filename.rfind(".V3D");
	if ((v3dPos != std::string::npos)
      && (v3dPos == filename.length() - 4)) {
	  extensionFound = true;
	if( !extensionFound ) {
      itkDebugMacro(<<"The filename extension is not recognized");
      return false;
	else {
		return true;

void V3DImageIO::readLittleEndian(std::ifstream &is, unsigned int &i) {
	is.read( (char* ) &i, (sizeof(int)));

void V3DImageIO::readLittleEndian(std::ifstream &is, double &i) {
	is.read( (char* ) &i, (sizeof(double)));

void V3DImageIO::ReadImageInformation() {
  m_Spacing[0] = 1.0; 
  m_Spacing[1] = 1.0;
  m_Spacing[2] = 1.0;
  m_PixelType = SCALAR;
  m_ComponentType = USHORT;
  unsigned int nrOfVoxelsx;
  unsigned int nrOfVoxelsy;
  unsigned int nrOfVoxelsz;
  double voxelSizex;
  double voxelSizey;
  double voxelSizez;
  double centerx;
  double centery;
  double centerz;

  const int versionIdLength =40;
  char buffer[versionIdLength];
  char R3[versionIdLength] = "3D-RA R3.1";
  const char R4[versionIdLength] = "3D-RA R4.1";

  std::string filename = m_FileName;
  std::ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
  infile.read(buffer, versionIdLength);

  if(0 == strcmp(R4, buffer)){


  m_Dimensions[0] = nrOfVoxelsx;
  m_Dimensions[1] = nrOfVoxelsy;
  m_Dimensions[2] = nrOfVoxelsz;
  m_Spacing[0] = voxelSizex;
  m_Spacing[1] = voxelSizey;
  m_Spacing[2] = voxelSizez;
  m_Origin[0] = centerx - (0.5*(nrOfVoxelsx * voxelSizex));
  m_Origin[1] = centery - (0.5*(nrOfVoxelsy * voxelSizey));
  m_Origin[2] = centerz - (0.5*(nrOfVoxelsz * voxelSizez));

void V3DImageIO::Read(void* buffer) {

	long nrOfVoxels = this->m_Dimensions[0] * this->m_Dimensions[1] * this->m_Dimensions[2];
	long componentSize = sizeof(unsigned short);
	long dataSize = nrOfVoxels * componentSize;
	long headerSize = (6 * ( sizeof ( int ))) + (6 * ( sizeof ( double ))) + versionIdLength;
	std::string filename = m_FileName;
	std::ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
  // check filesize en headersize...
  /** Set to right position and do the reading. */
  infile.seekg (headerSize, std::ios::beg);

  char * newBuffer = static_cast<char *>(buffer);
  infile.read( newBuffer, this->GetImageSizeInBytes());

bool V3DImageIO::CanWriteFile( const char * name ) {
  std::string filename = name;

  if (filename == "")
    return false;
  std::string::size_type V3DPos = filename.rfind(".v3d");
  if ( (V3DPos != std::string::npos)
       && (V3DPos == filename.length() - 4) )
    return true;

  V3DPos = filename.rfind(".V3D");
  if ( (V3DPos != std::string::npos)
       && (V3DPos == filename.length() - 4) )
    return true;
  else {
	  return false;

void V3DImageIO::WriteImageInformation() {

void V3DImageIO::Write(const void *buffer) {

  unsigned int nDims = this->GetNumberOfDimensions();

	if(nDims != 3) {
      ExceptionObject exception(__FILE__, __LINE__);
      exception.SetDescription("V3DImageIO cannot write images with a dimension != 3");
      throw exception;

	if(this->GetComponentType() != USHORT) {
      itkExceptionMacro(<<"V3DImageIO supports unsigned short only");

	std::ofstream outfile;
outfile.open(m_FileName.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);

	if( m_Ofstream.fail() ) {
      ExceptionObject exception(__FILE__, __LINE__);
      exception.SetDescription("File cannot be write");
      throw exception;
	unsigned int tmp = m_Dimensions[0];
	outfile.write( (char *) tmp,sizeof(int));
	tmp = m_Dimensions[1];
	outfile.write( (char *) tmp,sizeof(int));
	tmp = m_Dimensions[2];
	outfile.write( (char *) tmp,sizeof(int));

	double tmp_d = m_Spacing[0];
	outfile.write((char *) &tmp_d ,sizeof(double));
	tmp_d = m_Spacing[1];
	outfile.write((char *) &tmp_d,sizeof(double));
	tmp_d = m_Spacing[2];
	outfile.write( (char *) &tmp_d,sizeof(double));

	tmp_d = (m_Origin[0] + (0.5*(m_Dimensions[0] * m_Spacing[0])));
	outfile.write((char *) &tmp_d,sizeof(double));
	tmp_d = (m_Origin[1] + (0.5*(m_Dimensions[1] * m_Spacing[1])));
	outfile.write((char *) & tmp_d,sizeof(double));
	tmp_d = (m_Origin[2] + (0.5*(m_Dimensions[2] * m_Spacing[2])));
	outfile.write((char *) & tmp_d,sizeof(double));

	tmp = 0;
	outfile.write( (char *) tmp, sizeof(unsigned short) * 8);
	tmp = 100;
	outfile.write( (char *) tmp, sizeof(int));
	outfile.write( (char *) true, sizeof(int));


} // end namespace itk


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