[Insight-users] Registration : Update works but StartRegistration fails

Vincent Daanen vincent.daanen at imag.fr
Mon Aug 29 08:38:42 EDT 2005

Hi all,

I'm just starting a project where I have to register to MRI datasets.
As I don't want to loose time, I want to use Itk to perform this.
Therefore, I  read ImageRegistration8.cxx and work with this as a basis.

My problem is the following : when triggering the registration process 
with regitration->StartRegistration(); the program ends with the 
following error

ExceptionObject caught !

itk::ExceptionObject (
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual 
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

If I use regitration->Update, some calculations are performed but I'm 
not sure that it does register the datasets.

Can anybody points me to clue to solve this error ?


 Vincent Daanen

Vincent Daanen, PhD
Research Engineer, Post-Doctoral Position
Laboratoire TIMC/IMAG (Univ. Joseph Fourier - CNRS UMR 5525)
Equipe GMCAO
Institut d'Ingénierie de l'Information de Santé (IN3S)
Faculté de Médecine - 38706 La Tronche cedex - France
Tel: +33 (0)4 56 52 00 54 - Fax: +33 (0)4 56 52 00 55
Vincent.Daanen at imag.fr

"Les problèmes ne peuvent être résolus par
ceux dont l'horizon se limite aux réalités 
quotidiennes, mais par ceux qui rêvent de 
choses qui n'ont jamais existées et qui se 
disent : Pourquoi Pas ?"

J-F Kennedy, 1963.

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