[Insight-users] Re: still Linking error in examples

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Aug 29 12:42:05 EDT 2005

Hi Xiahai

It is likely that your source tree have mixed
versions of ITK files.

I will strongly suggest you to do:

1) Destroy the binary directory where you
   have been attempting to build ITK.

2) Get a consistent version of ITK.
   At this point your best option is to
   download ITK 2.0.1 from www.itk.org
   (unless you can wait two days and get
    ITK 2.2 that will be released on Wednesday.

3) Follow the instructions for building that
   are given in the ITK Software Guide:


   Note that for ITK 2.0.1 you should use
   CMake 2.0.6



庄吓海(Xiahai Zhuang) wrote:
> Luis Ibanez,您好!
> All ITK,VTK,itkvtkApplication, are built long ago.
> I don't know what their versions are exactly.
> I found some info from the source file
> ITK6:
> 	/*=========================================================================
>   Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
>   Module:    $RCSfile: CodeCopyright.txt,v $
>   Language:  C++
>   Date:      $Date: 2003/09/10 14:29:50 $
>   Version:   $Revision: 1.2 $
>   Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
>   See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details.
>      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
>      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
>      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
> =========================================================================*/
>  VTK4.2:
> /*=========================================================================
>   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
>   Module:    $RCSfile: Copyright.txt,v $
>   Language:  C++
>   Date:      $Date: 2002/01/21 20:57:29 $
>   Version:   $Revision: 1.1 $
> ***************************
> now my python version is python2.3
> When built the itk, vtk, we used CMake1.8
> but now, I use CMake2.0
> Is that a problem, should I reuse CMake1.8, or rebuilt the whole system includingITK,vtk,itkvtkapplication
> Thank you!
> ======= 2005-08-28 10:42:00 您在来信中写道:=======
>>Hi Xiahai
>>What version of ITK are you using ?
>> Luis
>>庄吓海(Xiahai Zhuang) wrote:
>>>Dear Luis Ibanez,
>>>     Thank you for your reply. Now, I have tried in the same mode. But the linking error still there.
>>>The example should have be configured by CMake because I used CMake to configure itk when building ITK,
>>>at that time I also built those examples included in ITK.
>>>     Best Regards
>>>                                                                          Zhuang,Xiahai
>>>      --------------------Configuration: ImageRegistration4 - Win32 Release--------------------
>>>Building Custom Rule E:\ITK6\Examples\Registration\CMakeLists.txt
>>>-- Check for working C compiler: cl -- works
>>>-- Check for working CXX compiler: cl -- works
>>>-- Configuring done
>>>-- Generating done
>>>-- Build files have been written to: E:/bin/itkvtk
>>>   Creating library E:\bin\itkvtk\bin\Release/ImageRegistration4.lib and object E:\bin\itkvtk\bin\Release/ImageRegistration4.exp
>>>ImageRegistration4.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall itk::ProcessObject::GetNumberOfValidRequiredInputs(void)const " (?GetNumberOfValidRequiredInputs at ProcessObject@itk@@UBEIXZ)
>>>ImageRegistration4.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > __thiscall itk::ImageIOBase::GetComponentTypeAsString(enum itk::ImageIOBase::IOCompon
>>>entType)const " (?GetComponentTypeAsString at ImageIOBase@itk@@QBE?AV?$basic_string at DU?$char_traits at D@std@@V?$allocator at D@2@@std@@W4IOComponentType at 12@@Z)
>>>E:\bin\itkvtk\bin\Release/ImageRegistration4.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
>>>Error executing link.exe.
>>>ImageRegistration4.exe - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)
>>>======= 2005-08-25 12:16:00 您在来信中写道:=======
>>>>HI Xiahai,
>>>>You are mixing builds from Debug mode with Release mode.
>>>>This is what the following error message tells you:
>>>>"LINK : warning LNK4098:
>>>>"defaultlib "MSVCRT" conflicts with use of other libs"
>>>>Please use a single compilation mode for the entire system.
>>>>It looks like you are not using CMake for configuring
>>>>your system.... CMake would have prevented such conflicts.
>>>>   Luis
>>>>庄吓海(Xiahai Zhuang) wrote:
>>>>>	----------------Configuration: ImageRegistration4 - Win32 Debug--------------------
>>>>>  Creating library E:\bin\itkvtk\bin\Debug/ImageRegistration4.lib and object E:\bin\itkvtk\bin\Debug/ImageRegistration4.exp
>>>>>LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib "MSVCRT" conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
>>>>>ImageRegistration4.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall itk::ProcessObject::GetNumberOfValidRequiredInputs(void)const " (?GetNumberOfValidRequiredInputs at ProcessObject@itk@@UBEIXZ)
>>>>>ImageRegistration4.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > __thiscall itk::ImageIOBase::GetComponentTypeAsString(enum itk::ImageIOBase::IOCompon
>>>>>entType)const " (?GetComponentTypeAsString at ImageIOBase@itk@@QBE?AV?$basic_string at DU?$char_traits at D@std@@V?$allocator at D@2@@std@@W4IOComponentType at 12@@Z)
>>>>>E:\bin\itkvtk\bin\Debug/ImageRegistration4.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
>>>>>Error executing link.exe.
>>>>>ImageRegistration4.exe - 3 error(s), 1 warning(s)
>>>>> any time I built an example, the compiling is OK, but when it comes to link, it comes out such errors.
>>>>>could anyone so kind to help me out. thanks!!!
>>>>>        致
>>>>>        庄吓海(Xiahai Zhuang)
>>>>>        arhye at 163.com
>>>>>          2005-08-25
>>>>>Insight-users mailing list
>>>>>Insight-users at itk.org
>>>= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
>>>        致
>>>        庄吓海(Xiahai Zhuang)
>>>        arhye at 163.com
>>>          2005-08-26
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
>         致
> 礼!
>         庄吓海(Xiahai Zhuang)
>         arhye at 163.com
>           2005-08-29

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