[Insight-users] Re: DICOM data reading

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed Jul 13 11:49:53 EDT 2005

Hi Martin,

Yes, the SeriesUID is unique for a given patient,
however in certain cases the same series may contain
multiple modalities.

If what you want to do is to use the SeriesUID in order
to get the Patient information, that can easily be done
as illustrated in the ITK Software Guide


in Sections:

  7.12.5 "Printing out DICOM tags from one slice"
  7.12.6 "Printing out DICOM tags from a serie"

in pdf-pages 330-337.

The corresponding source code examples are available
in the directory


Please read the documentation above and let us know
if you have any further questions,



Martin SEISER wrote:

> Hi luis,
> thx for your answer, has helped me a lot! But I already got a special solution cause of the fact, that the series ID is not the only criteria to choose when selecting a series. You also need to select a series by using the patient id, or, if necessary, by using a time tag, if working with time triggered series (4D).
> Is the seriesUID unique? And after getting it, can you get access to the data (like patientid, sex, name, ...) for a special seriesUID? So it can presented to the user as choosing criteria. Would be simplify my program a lot!
> Thx for your help in advance,
> Best regards,
> Martin
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Luis Ibanez" <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>
> To: "Martin SEISER" <m.seiser at 2die4.com>
> Subject: Re: DICOM data reading
> Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 18:52:37 -0400
>>Hi Martin,
>>It is quite common to have multiple DICOM series in
>>the same directory.  The way to select the series is
>>therefore to make a first pass to your directory and
>>to collect the list of series that are present, along
>>with additional patient information such as name, sex
>>and age.
>>In a typical application, this list will be presented
>>to the user, who will select to read one of the series
>>from that list.
>>Once you have a series ID, the series can be passed to
>>the GDCMSeriesFileNames in order to generate the file
>>names of only the slices that belong to the selected
>>All this is described in detail in the ITK Software Guide
>>      http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf
>>in Chapter 7, "Reading and Writing Images". In particular
>>in section 7.12.3, in pdf-page 324.
>>Note that for gathering all the series in a directory
>>you use the GDCMSeriesFileNames class and pass to it the
>>directory using the method
>>                SetDirectory()
>>Then you get the list of Series IDs with the method
>>                GetSeriesUIDs()
>>at this point you present this list to a User, probably
>>using a GUI, and let the user select the series that
>>she wants to read. Then you pass that series Id to the
>>same GDCMSeriesFileNames generator using the method:
>>               GetFileNames( seriesUID )
>>The list of filenames is finally passed to the
>>ImageSeriesReader, and at that point you can trigger
>>the process of reading all the slices.
>>The source code example that describes this same process
>>is available in
>>          Insight/Examples/IO/
>>              DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.cxx
>>For an example of how this is done in a GUI, please look
>>at the application developed by the ISIS Center at Georgetown
>>University, that is available in
>>        InsightApplications/
>>                  LiverTumorSegmentation
>>In the "File" menu of this application you will find an option
>>for "Load DICOM". This options does what has been described
>>Please let us know if you have further questions,
>>     Regards,
>>        Luis
>>Martin SEISER wrote:
>>>Dear Mr. Ibanez,
>>>my name is Martin Seiser and i am currently working for the UMIT, 
>>>the private medical informatics university, in Tyrol, Austria. My 
>>>task is to read and writes series of DICOM data. I am using the 
>>>2.1.0 ITK api which offers a library to comforably get access to 
>>>dicom data, which does work well for a single series. But there 
>>>exists the possibility that there are multiple series in one 
>>>folder and the user should have the possibility to choose, which 
>>>data (chosen by patient ID or study ID) to load. That doesnt work 
>>>at the moment, cause i have no clue if it works with my code. In 
>>>my opinion I have to read the folder file by file and check each 
>>>DICOM file for information used to choose series.
>>>Here you have my code to read a folder:
>>>int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
>>>	typedef itk::Image<unsigned short,3> ImageType;
>>>	typedef itk::Image< unsigned char, 2 > Image2DType;
>>>	typedef itk::ImageSeriesReader<ImageType> SeriesReaderType;
>>>	typedef itk::ImageSeriesWriter<ImageType, Image2DType> SeriesWriterType;
>>>	typedef itk::ImageFileWriter<ImageType> WriterType;
>>>	typedef itk::GDCMImageIO ImageIOType;
>>>	typedef itk::GDCMSeriesFileNames NamesGeneratorType;
>>>	typedef std::vector<std::string> fileNamesContainer;
>>>	typedef itk::NumericSeriesFileNames NameGeneratorType;
>>>	if(argc < 4) {
>>>		std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " DicomDirectory  format 
>>>extension  [seriesName]" << std::endl;
>>>		return EXIT_FAILURE;
>>>	}
>>>	ImageIOType::Pointer dicomIO = ImageIOType::New();
>>>	// Get the DICOM filenames from the directory
>>>	NamesGeneratorType::Pointer nameGenerator = NamesGeneratorType::New();
>>>	nameGenerator->SetInputDirectory(argv[1]);
>>>	try {
>>>		fileNamesContainer fileNames;
>>>		fileNames = nameGenerator->GetInputFileNames();
>>>		SeriesReaderType::Pointer reader = SeriesReaderType::New();
>>>		reader->SetFileNames(fileNames);
>>>		reader->SetImageIO(dicomIO);
>>>		try {
>>>			reader->Update();
>>>		}
>>>		catch (itk::ExceptionObject &ex) {
>>>			std::cout << ex << std::endl;
>>>			return EXIT_FAILURE;
>>>		}
>>>		char buffer[100];
>>>		dicomIO->GetPatientName(buffer);
>>>		std::cout << "PatientName: " << buffer << std::endl;
>>>		dicomIO->GetPatientID(buffer);
>>>		std::cout << "PatientID: " << buffer << std::endl;
>>>		dicomIO->GetPatientSex(buffer);
>>>		std::cout << "PatientSex: " << buffer << std::endl;
>>>		dicomIO->GetPatientAge(buffer);
>>>		std::cout << "PatientAge: " << atoi(buffer) << std::endl;
>>>		dicomIO->GetStudyID(buffer);
>>>		std::cout << "StudyID: " << buffer << std::endl;
>>>		dicomIO->GetNumberOfSeriesInStudy(buffer);
>>>		std::cout << "NumberOfSeriesInStudy: " << atoi(buffer) << std::endl;
>>>		dicomIO->GetNumberOfStudyRelatedSeries(buffer);
>>>		std::cout << "NumberOfStudyRelatedSeries: " << atoi(buffer) << std::endl;
>>>	}
>>>	catch (itk::ExceptionObject &ex) {
>>>		std::cout << ex << std::endl;
>>>		return EXIT_FAILURE;
>>>	}
>>>	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
>>>And if I call the getter-methods above i only get the data of the 
>>>first study read in!:(
>>>Would be very glad if you could help me,
>>>thx in advance
>>>Martin Seiser

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