[Insight-users] RE: GDCM image size reading
Li, George (NIH/NCI)
ligeorge at mail.nih.gov
Thu May 19 15:21:49 EDT 2005
Attached please find another tag file, and throw out the previous
one. I mistyped an old button that was reserved, but really should
have been removed. Sorry about the confusion.
Let me know if this is good enough, or an image file is still needed.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mathieu Malaterre [mailto:mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 2:48 PM
To: Li, George (NIH/NCI)
Cc: insight-users at itk.org
Subject: Re: GDCM image size reading
So when your program output this:
> 0a22: (0028,0010) [US] 3 Rows: 2
> 0a2c: (0028,0011) [US] 3 Columns: 2
Does this means there is no values at all ? Those values should be
there (as specified by DICOM). How else are we supposed to find the
dimensions of the image ?
By any chance could you send me one of those files ?
-------------- next part --------------
File Name = G:\George's Fusion_042505\ABHYAN_1\MRI\T2\I0001_1
TYPE(tp) DEFINE 0:un, 1:i16, 2:i32, 3:ui16, 4:ui16x2, 5:ui32, 6:f32, 7:d64, 8: seq, 9: str, 10:bData, 11:wData
---=== DICOM Header ===---
Mem (grp ,elm ) [VR] tp Info about value field: len Value field
0084: (0002,0000) [UL] 5 Group Length: 4 166
0090: (0002,0001) [OB] 10 File Meta Information Version: 2
009e: (0002,0002) [UI] 9 Media Storage SOP Class UID: 26 1.2.840.10008.
00c0: (0002,0003) [UI] 9 Media Storage SOP Instance UID: 54 1.2.840.113704.
00fe: (0002,0010) [UI] 9 Transfer Syntax UID: 20 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
011a: (0002,0012) [UI] 9 Implementation Class UID: 20 1.2.840.113704.7.0.2
0136: (0008,0005) [CS] 9 Specific Character Set: 10 ISO_IR 100
0148: (0008,0008) [CS] 9 Image Type: 26 ORIGINAL\PRIMARY\M_SE\M\SE
016a: (0008,0012) [DA] 9 Instance Creation Date: 8 20040819
017a: (0008,0013) [TM] 9 Instance Creation Time: 6 124829
0188: (0008,0014) [UI] 9 Instance Creator UID: 24
01a8: (0008,0016) [UI] 9 SOP Class UID: 26 1.2.840.10008.
01ca: (0008,0018) [UI] 9 SOP Instance UID: 54 1.2.840.113704.
0208: (0008,0020) [DA] 9 Study Date: 8 20040819
0218: (0008,0021) [DA] 9 Series Date: 8 20040819
0228: (0008,0023) [DA] 9 Content Date: 8 20040819
0238: (0008,0030) [TM] 9 Study Time: 14 114510.000000
024e: (0008,0031) [TM] 9 Series Time: 14 120009.000000
0264: (0008,0033) [TM] 9 Content Time: 10 120009.00
0276: (0008,0050) [SH] 9 Accession Number: 10 MR0412866
0288: (0008,0060) [CS] 9 Modality: 2 MR
0292: (0008,0070) [LO] 9 Manufacturer: 24 Philips Medical Systems
02b2: (0008,0080) [LO] 9 Institution Name: 6 NIH 3T
02c0: (0008,0081) [ST] 9 Institution Address: 0
02c8: (0008,0090) [PN] 9 Referring Physician's Name: 10 KIM^LYNDON
02da: (0008,1010) [SH] 9 Station Name: 4 MR4
02e6: (0008,1030) [LO] 9 Study Description: 24 MRI BRAIN-Perfusion (IP)
0306: (0008,103e) [LO] 9 Series Description: 16 BRAIN T2 AX
031e: (0008,1040) [LO] 9 Institutional Department Name: 0
0326: (0008,1048) [PN] 9 Physician(s) of Record: 0
032e: (0008,1050) [PN] 9 Performing Physician's Name: 0
0336: (0008,1060) [PN] 9 Name of Physicians Reading Study: 0
033e: (0008,1070) [PN] 9 Operators' Name: 0
0346: (0008,1080) [LO] 9 Admitting Diagnoses Description: 0
034e: (0008,1090) [LO] 9 Manufacturer's Model Name: 6 Intera
035c: (0008,1111) [SQ] 0 SQ nested data set: 200 (= sum of all SQ item length)
0368: (fffe,e000) [--] 8 SQ nested data set: 0
0370: (0008,0005) [CS] 8 Specific Character Set: 10 ISO_IR 100
0382: (0008,0012) [DA] 8 Instance Creation Date: 8 20040819
0392: (0008,0013) [TM] 8 Instance Creation Time: 6 124840
03a0: (0008,0014) [UI] 8 Instance Creator UID: 24
03c0: (0008,1150) [UI] 8 Referenced SOP Class UID: 24 1.2.840.10008.
03e0: (0008,1155) [UI] 8 Referenced SOP Instance UID: 62
0426: (0020,0013) [IS] 8 Instance Number: 2 0
0426: (0020,0013) [SQ] 8 SQ nested data set: 0 (= end of the SQ item series)
0430: (0008,1140) [SQ] 0 SQ nested data set: 402 (= sum of all SQ item length)
043c: (fffe,e000) [--] 8 SQ nested data set: 0
0444: (0008,0005) [CS] 8 Specific Character Set: 16 ISO 2022 IR 100
045c: (0008,1150) [UI] 8 Referenced SOP Class UID: 26 1.2.840.10008.
047e: (0008,1155) [UI] 8 Referenced SOP Instance UID: 60
04c2: (fffe,e000) [--] 8 SQ nested data set: 0
04ca: (0008,0005) [CS] 8 Specific Character Set: 16 ISO 2022 IR 100
04e2: (0008,1150) [UI] 8 Referenced SOP Class UID: 26 1.2.840.10008.
0504: (0008,1155) [UI] 8 Referenced SOP Instance UID: 60
0548: (fffe,e000) [--] 8 SQ nested data set: 0
0550: (0008,0005) [CS] 8 Specific Character Set: 16 ISO 2022 IR 100
0568: (0008,1150) [UI] 8 Referenced SOP Class UID: 26 1.2.840.10008.
058a: (0008,1155) [UI] 8 Referenced SOP Instance UID: 60
058a: (0008,1155) [SQ] 8 SQ nested data set: 0 (= end of the SQ item series)
05ce: (0010,0010) [PN] 9 Patient's Name: 32 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
05f6: (0010,0020) [LO] 9 Patient ID: 8 XXXXXXX
0606: (0010,0030) [DA] 9 Patient's Birth Date: 8 XXXXXXXX
0616: (0010,0040) [CS] 9 Patient's Sex: 2 M
0620: (0010,1030) [DS] 9 Patient's Weight: 4 83.0
062c: (0010,2000) [LO] 9 Medical Alerts: 0
0634: (0010,2110) [LO] 9 Contrast Allergies: 0
063c: (0010,2160) [SH] 9 Ethnic Group: 2 5
0646: (0010,2180) [SH] 9 Occupation: 0
064e: (0010,21b0) [LT] 9 Additional Patient History: 0
0656: (0010,21c0) [US] 3 Pregnancy Status: 2 4
0660: (0010,4000) [LT] 9 Patient Comments: 0
0668: (0018,0020) [CS] 9 Scanning Sequence: 2 SE
0672: (0018,0021) [CS] 9 Sequence Variant: 2 SK
067c: (0018,0022) [CS] 9 Scan Options: 2 SP
0686: (0018,0023) [CS] 9 MR Acquisition Type: 0
068e: (0018,0024) [SH] 9 Sequence Name: 0
0696: (0018,0050) [DS] 9 Slice Thickness: 4 5.0
06a2: (0018,0080) [DS] 9 Repetition Time: 6 5400.0
06b0: (0018,0081) [DS] 9 Echo Time: 6 100.0
06be: (0018,0082) [DS] 9 Inversion Time: 4 0.0
06ca: (0018,0083) [DS] 9 Number of Averages: 4 1.0
06d6: (0018,0084) [DS] 9 Imaging Frequency: 16 127.789449999999
06ee: (0018,0085) [SH] 9 Imaged Nucleus: 2 1H
06f8: (0018,0086) [IS] 9 Echo Number(s): 2 1
0702: (0018,0087) [DS] 9 Magnetic Field Strength: 4 3.0
070e: (0018,0088) [DS] 9 Spacing Between Slices: 4 5.0
071a: (0018,0089) [IS] 9 Number of Phase Encoding Steps: 4 300
0726: (0018,0091) [IS] 9 Echo Train Length: 2 15
0730: (0018,0093) [DS] 9 Percent Sampling: 4 80.0
073c: (0018,0094) [DS] 9 Percent Phase Field of View: 4 75.0
0748: (0018,1000) [LO] 9 Device Serial Number: 6 05728
0756: (0018,1020) [LO] 9 Software Version(s): 34 NT 10.4.1\PIIM V2.1.4.1 MIMIT MCS
0780: (0018,1030) [LO] 9 Protocol Name: 6 T2 AX
078e: (0018,1081) [IS] 9 Low R-R Value: 2 0
0798: (0018,1082) [IS] 9 High R-R Value: 2 0
07a2: (0018,1083) [IS] 9 Intervals Acquired: 2 0
07ac: (0018,1084) [IS] 9 Intervals Rejected: 2 0
07b6: (0018,1088) [IS] 9 Heart Rate: 2 0
07c0: (0018,1100) [DS] 9 Reconstruction Diameter: 6 220.0
07ce: (0018,1250) [SH] 9 Receiving Coil: 10 SENSE-head
07e0: (0018,1251) [SH] 9 Transmitting Coil: 2 B
07ea: (0018,1310) [US] 3 Acquisition Matrix: 8 0
07fa: (0018,1312) [CS] 9 Phase Encoding Direction: 4 ROW
0806: (0018,1314) [DS] 9 Flip Angle: 4 90.0
0812: (0018,5100) [CS] 9 Patient Position: 4 HFS
081e: (0020,000d) [UI] 9 Study Instance UID: 52
085a: (0020,000e) [UI] 9 Series Instance UID: 62
08a0: (0020,0010) [SH] 9 Study ID: 10 MR0412866
08b2: (0020,0011) [IS] 9 Series Number: 4 401
08be: (0020,0012) [IS] 9 Acquisition Number: 2 4
08c8: (0020,0013) [IS] 9 Instance Number: 2 1
08d2: (0020,0032) [DS] 9 Image Position (Patient): 50 -113.62694502911\-111.12638258008\-20.798272003115
090c: (0020,0037) [DS] 9 Image Orientation (Patient): 102 0.99836278743125\-0.0193718230561\-0.0538189292347\0.00894695507015\0.98221021046134\-0.1875714649419
097a: (0020,0052) [UI] 9 Frame of Reference UID: 62
09c0: (0020,0060) [CS] 9 Laterality: 0
09c8: (0020,0100) [IS] 9 Temporal Position Identifier: 2 1
09d2: (0020,0105) [IS] 9 Number of Temporal Positions: 2 1
09dc: (0020,1040) [LO] 9 Position Reference Indicator: 0
09e4: (0020,1041) [DS] 9 Slice Location: 4 0.0
09f0: (0020,1208) [IS] 9 # of Study Related Instances: 4 1799
09fc: (0020,4000) [LT] 9 Image Comments: 0
0a04: (0028,0002) [US] 3 Samples per Pixel: 2 1
0a0e: (0028,0004) [CS] 9 Photometric Interpretation: 12 MONOCHROME2
0a22: (0028,0010) [US] 3 Rows: 2 512
0a2c: (0028,0011) [US] 3 Columns: 2 512
0a36: (0028,0030) [DS] 9 Pixel Spacing: 20 0.4296875\0.4296875
0a52: (0028,0034) [IS] 9 Pixel Aspect Ratio: 4 1\1
0a5e: (0028,0100) [US] 3 Bits Allocated: 2 16
0a68: (0028,0101) [US] 3 Bits Stored: 2 12
0a72: (0028,0102) [US] 3 High Bit: 2 11
0a7c: (0028,0103) [US] 3 Pixel Representation: 2 0
0a86: (0028,1050) [DS] 9 Window Center: 6 374.0
0a94: (0028,1051) [DS] 9 Window Width: 6 749.0
0aa2: (0028,2110) [CS] 9 Lossy Image Compression: 2 00
0aac: (0032,000a) [CS] 9 Study Status ID: 10 SCHEDULED
0abe: (0032,1000) [DA] 9 Scheduled Study Start Date: 8 20040819
0ace: (0032,1001) [TM] 9 Scheduled Study Start Time: 14 113000.000000
0ae4: (0032,1032) [PN] 9 Requesting Physician: 14 KIM^LYNDON^^^
0afa: (0032,1033) [LO] 9 Requesting Service: 4 OP12
0b06: (0032,1060) [LO] 9 Requested Procedure Description: 24 MRI BRAIN-Perfusion (IP)
0b26: (0032,1064) [SQ] 0 SQ nested data set: 40 (= sum of all SQ item length)
0b32: (fffe,e000) [--] 8 SQ nested data set: 0
0b3a: (0008,0005) [CS] 8 Specific Character Set: 16 ISO 2022 IR 100
0b52: (0008,0100) [SH] 8 Code Value: 0
0b52: (0008,0100) [SQ] 8 SQ nested data set: 0 (= end of the SQ item series)
0b5a: (0032,1070) [LO] 9 Requested Contrast Agent: 0
0b62: (0032,4000) [LT] 9 Study Comments: 24 MRI BRAIN-Perfusion (IP)
0b82: (0038,0050) [LO] 9 Special Needs: 0
0b8a: (0038,0300) [LO] 9 Current Patient Location: 4 OP12
0b96: (0038,0500) [LO] 9 Patient State: 0
0b9e: (0040,0241) [AE] 9 Performed Station AE Title: 10 MR4INTERA
0bb0: (0040,0242) [SH] 9 Performed Station Name: 0
0bb8: (0040,0243) [SH] 9 Performed Location: 0
0bc0: (0040,0244) [DA] 9 Performed Procedure Step Start Date: 8 20040819
0bd0: (0040,0245) [TM] 9 Performed Procedure Step Start Time: 6 114510
0bde: (0040,0250) [UN] 0 Performed Procedure Step End Date: 8 20040819
0bf2: (0040,0251) [UN] 0 Performed Procedure Step End Time: 6 114510
0c04: (0040,0252) [UN] 0 Performed Procedure Step Status: 0
0c10: (0040,0253) [SH] 9 Performed Procedure Step ID: 10 146231108
0c22: (0040,0254) [LO] 9 Performed Procedure Step Descript'n: 24 MRI BRAIN-Perfusion (IP)
0c42: (0040,0255) [LO] 9 Performed Procedure Type Descript'n: 0
0c4a: (0040,0275) [SQ] 0 SQ nested data set: 112 (= sum of all SQ item length)
0c56: (fffe,e000) [--] 8 SQ nested data set: 0
0c5e: (0008,0005) [CS] 8 Specific Character Set: 16 ISO 2022 IR 100
0c76: (0040,0007) [LO] 8 Sche'd Procedure Step Descript'n: 24 MRI BRAIN-Perfusion (IP)
0c96: (0040,0008) [SQ] 8 SQ nested data set: 0 (= sum of all SQ item length)
0ca2: (0040,0009) [SQ] 8 SQ nested data set: 0
0ca2: (0040,0009) [SH] 8 Scheduled Procedure Step ID: 10 MR0412866
0cb4: (0040,1001) [SH] 8 Requested Procedure ID: 10 MR0412866
0cb4: (0040,1001) [SQ] 8 SQ nested data set: 0 (= end of the SQ item series)
0cc6: (0040,0280) [ST] 9 Comments on the Performed Procedure Steps: 24 MRI BRAIN-Perfusion (IP)
0ce6: (0040,0321) [SQ] 0 SQ nested data set0ce6: (0040,0321) [SQ] 8 SQ nested data set: 0 (= end of the SQ item series)
0cf2: (0040,1001) [SH] 9 Requested Procedure ID: 10 MR0412866
0d04: (0040,1002) [LO] 9 Reason for the Requ'd Procedure: 0
0d0c: (0040,1003) [SH] 9 Requested Procedure Priority: 0
0d14: (0040,1004) [LO] 9 Patient Transport Arrangements: 0
0d1c: (0040,1005) [LO] 9 Requested Procedure Location: 0
0d24: (0040,1010) [PN] 9 Names of Intended Recipients of Results: 0
0d2c: (0040,1400) [LT] 9 Requested Procedure Comments: 0
0d34: (0040,2001) [LO] 9 Reason for the Imag'g Serv. Request: 0
0d3c: (0040,2004) [DA] 9 Issue Date of Imag'g Serv. Request: 0
0d44: (0040,2005) [TM] 9 Issue Time of Imag'g Serv. Request: 0
0d4c: (0040,2006) [SH] 9 Placer Order #/Imag'g Serv. Request: 0
0d54: (0040,2007) [SH] 9 Filler Order #/Imag'g Serv. Request: 0
0d5c: (0040,2008) [PN] 9 Order Entered By: 0
0d64: (0040,2009) [SH] 9 Order Enterer's Location: 0
0d6c: (0040,2010) [SH] 9 Order Callback Phone Number: 0
0d74: (0040,2400) [LT] 9 Imaging Serv. Request Comments: 0
0d7c: (0088,0200) [SQ] 0 SQ nested data set: 4258 (= sum of all SQ item length)
0d88: (fffe,e000) [--] 8 SQ nested data set: 0
0d90: (0008,0005) [CS] 8 Specific Character Set: 16 ISO 2022 IR 100
0da8: (0028,0002) [US] 8 Samples per Pixel: 2
0db2: (0028,0004) [CS] 8 Photometric Interpretation: 12 MONOCHROME2
0dc6: (0028,0010) [US] 8 Rows: 2 @
0dd0: (0028,0011) [US] 8 Columns: 2 @
0dda: (0028,0034) [IS] 8 Pixel Aspect Ratio: 4 1\1
0de6: (0028,0100) [US] 8 Bits Allocated: 2
0df0: (0028,0101) [US] 8 Bits Stored: 2
0dfa: (0028,0102) [US] 8 High Bit: 2
0e04: (0028,0103) [US] 8 Pixel Representation: 2
0e0e: (07a1,0010) [LO] 8 JUNK: 8 ELSCINT1
0e1e: (7fe0,0010) [OB] 8 Pixel Data: 4096
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0e1e: (7fe0,0010) [SQ] 8 pixel data: 0
---=== The End ===---
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