[Insight-users] Re: GDCM image size reading

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Thu May 19 15:34:37 EDT 2005


	I was able to run both:

./bin/DicomImageReadPrintTags /tmp/I0001_1


./bin/DicomImageReadWrite /tmp/I0001_1 /tmp/out.dcm /tmp/out.vtk 

I can open out.vtk with paraview without any problem and the dimension 
is 512x512.

If you are using ITK from CVS, could you do a cvs update as of today. 
Then build again. If this still does not work try rebuilding from 
scratch (completely remove your binary directory).

Other than that I don't see where the problem could come from. Since the 
image is raw you should even be able to read the file properly with 
itkRawImageIO ...

Could you specify what tool are you using to view the DICOM file ? Also 
what is the size of the window you are using to view the image ?


Li, George (NIH/NCI) wrote:
> Mathieu:
> Attached please find another tag file, and throw out the previous 
> one. I mistyped an old button that was reserved, but really should 
> have been removed. Sorry about the confusion.
> Let me know if this is good enough, or an image file is still needed.
> Thanks,
> George
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mathieu Malaterre [mailto:mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 2:48 PM
> To: Li, George (NIH/NCI)
> Cc: insight-users at itk.org
> Subject: Re: GDCM image size reading
> George,
> 	So when your program output this:
>>0a22: (0028,0010) [US]  3                              Rows:    2 
>>0a2c: (0028,0011) [US]  3                           Columns:    2 
> 	Does this means there is no values at all ? Those values should be 
> there (as specified by DICOM). How else are we supposed to find the 
> dimensions of the image ?
> 	By any chance could you send me one of those files ?
> Thanks
> Mathieu

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