[Insight-users] Diffusion

Zachary Pincus zpincus at stanford.edu
Sat Nov 5 19:45:05 EST 2005

You'll probably want to look at the implementation for the Gradient  
Anisotropic Diffusion filter (http://www.itk.org/Doxygen/html/ 
classitk_1_1GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter.html ). Given  
your description of your needs, it sounds like you've read Perona and  
Malik's original paper on anisotropic diffusion; this class basically  
implements that.

Since what you're describing is a not-too-different sort of  
anisotropic diffusion,  I suspect that this class could be simply  
modified for your needs.


On Nov 5, 2005, at 2:34 PM, Einstein, Daniel R wrote:

> Hello,
> I would like to something familiar but with a twist. Specifically,  
> I would like to compute the diffusion equation (heat equation) on a  
> binary image. Here's the twist. Say black is outside and white is  
> inside. I would like to treat the black-white border as a  
> reflective boundary so that all of the calculation occurs in the  
> white zone. Then I would like to iteratively pick one of the white  
> voxels as a source and run the diffusion equation on the domain and  
> save the resulting field. For example, if I pick a very interior  
> voxel, the resulting field will be roughly spherical. If I pick a  
> boundary voxel the field will be biased away form the boundary. I  
> am not very familiar with lower level ITK classes. Any advise to  
> get me off on the right track would be greatly appreciated.
> Dan
> Daniel R Einstein, PhD
> Biological Monitoring and Modeling
> Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
> P.O. Box 999; MSIN P7-58
> Richland, WA 99352
> Tel: 509/ 376-2924
> Fax: 509/376-9064
> daniel.einstein at pnl.gov
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