[Insight-users] Extract color Components

Matteo Campana campanam at libero.it
Thu Nov 17 10:38:43 EST 2005

I'm trying to extract color components from a Color vtk 3d image.
I'm using vtkExtractVectorComponents but when i run my TCL script it show me this error message:

"vtkExtractVectorComponents (0x01E4FD90): No vector data to extract"

This is my simple TCL file:
vtkImageReader reader
reader SetFileName G:\\bio\\ColorVolume.vtk

vtkExtractVectorComponents extractor
extractor SetInput [reader GetOutput]

vtkDataSetWriter writer
writer SetInput [extractor GetVxComponent] 
writer SetFileName VolumeRedComponent.vtk
writer SetFileTypeToBinary
writer Write

Opening the input image (ColorVolume.vtk) with VolView it say me that the image has 3 components....
So i'm sure it has the 3 color compontents.

What did I wrong?!

Should i convert the vtk image to a sort of explicit vector type image?!....isn't a color image a vector image?!

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