[Insight-users] DTI data.. can't read

Torsten Rohlfing torsten at synapse.sri.com
Fri Nov 18 19:54:35 EST 2005


Never mind; my fault. The data now reads fine with ITK. The "mask" 
component is not respected or preserved though, is it?

Thanks again!

Torsten Rohlfing, PhD          SRI International, Neuroscience Program
 Research Scientist             333 Ravenswood Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025
  Phone: ++1 (650) 859-3379      Fax: ++1 (650) 859-2743
   torsten at synapse.sri.com        http://www.stanford.edu/~rohlfing/

     "Though this be madness, yet there is a method in't"

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