[Insight-users] Installation problems!

M. Elena Martinez elena at leibniz.iimas.unam.mx
Thu Oct 6 06:01:36 EDT 2005

Hello everybody,

I am new with ITK and I have many "dummy" questions:

I am working in Linux Debian 2.6

I download:


I install CMake with not problems at /usr/local following section 2.1.1 of
ItkSoftwareGuide-2.2.0.pdf and instructions from http://www.cmake.org

Then I install InsightToolkit-2.2.0.tar.gz, but I did not really knew
where it was more convenient to be installed, in which path! So I found
the next more detail instruction list at:

Therefore I install it on: /usr/local/src, and apparently everything was

I try then to compile the example: HellowWorld.cxx and CMake and I have a
problem with:


I read about it and there is a way to go through it!
So HelloWorld worked properly!

But when I try to compile other examples like those inside the directory
Filters (which I am particularly interested in), then I have hundreds of
error because it did not find the *.h files, apparently I have to defined
the include path somewhere!

Here are the questions:

1. Apparently I have to install a new version of CMake
cmake-2.2.1-x86-linux.tar.gz, if I install it in the same way do it will
recognised that there is one version already there and just upgrade it, or
do I have to erase everything before??? and begin the whole process form

2. Where exactly do you recommend to install ITK (path) and do I have to
set all the CMake variables when I run ccmake ? I thought those were
automatically set.

3. You recommend to have an extra build directory when you write a project,
say for instance:

example1 > ls
example1 > CMakeLists.txt  HelloWorld.cxx
example1 > mkdir build
example1 > cd build
example1>build > cmake ../
example1>build > make
example1>build > ./HelloWorld

This works with HellowWorld, but it does not work with examples at
Filters directory.

Sorry to make such a basic questions but I hope my "learning curve" will
speed up nicely!!

Many thanks, and all the best,



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