[Insight-users] pb with Versor3DRigidTransform

Vincent Daanen vincent.daanen at imag.fr
Fri Sep 9 09:00:44 EDT 2005

Luis Ibanez a écrit :

> Hi Vincent,
> You can easily solve this problem by invoking the method
>             transform->SetIdentity()
That's what I'm doing

> before you initialize the translation of the transform.

> I assume that you are setting the translation by invoking
> the method "Translate()", is this how you did it ?
No, I'm intializing a Versor3DRigidTransform::OutputVectorType and then 
use SetTranslation to set it.
but it's working. The resampled volume is a translation of the input volume

> Also... what version of ITK are you using ?

I'm using Itk 2.0.1

May be it's just a display pb (or with the << operator) because it works 
well ...

 Thanks for your responses


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