[Insight-users] Re: Submissions to the Insight Journal : Call for help to LaTeX Gurus

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Sep 12 08:43:11 EDT 2005

Hi Tobias,

That's an excellent point,

As Stephen mentioned, we were using the Springer LaTeX style as
a base so far, but it has a number of deficiencies.

   a) It expects a LNCS paper size instead of Letter or A4.

   b) It doesn't use hyperref, so URL are not hyperlinked in
      the PDF, nor citations, nor references to tables and

   c) It was not designed with an Online-Journal in mind.

What I would suggest is to develop our own LaTeX style that
satisfies the particular characteristics of the Insight Journal.

For example:

1) It must make URL easy to type and must get them as hyperlinks
    in the final PDF.

2) It must support Color. Since the Insight Journal is an online
    publication, color comes for free. The days were color was
    a luxury are gone along with obsolete paper-based publications.

3) It must have good support for mathematical equations

4) It must have good support for describing algorithms, since we
    expect that a good fractions of the papers in the Insight Journal
    will be describing algorithms.

5) It must make easy to type C++ code (preferable syntax colored),
    since most people would be able to read the PDF directly.

6) It must have internal hyperlinks between figures, tables, equations,
    references and the places where they are cited in the text.

7) It must make easy to point back to the Insight Journal web site,
    so people reading the paper, have an Hyperlink to the reviews.

8) It must make easy to cite ITK classes directly in Doxygen.

9) It must be searchable, so it gets indexded by Google, and of
    course, so it is easy to explore the document for a reader.

We probably could take the LaTeX models that we have in


and modify them as appropriate.

In this task we will appreciate the help of any LaTeX gurus out there
who could point us to the best way of providing the features listed

Of course, you are also welcome to add entries to the list of desirable
features for this LaTeX style.



Tobias Heimann wrote:
> Hi Luis,
> I was wondering if there exist any Latex templates (or general layout 
> templates) for articles to be submitted to the Insight Journal? Although 
> I was browsing the website for quite a while now, I didn't find anything 
> concerning the layout of papers, just that they should be submitted in 
> PDF format...
> Best regards,
> Tobias

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