[Insight-users] ImageRegistration8 takes 2 hours 45 menit!

Tanya S tanya_lll at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 27 06:53:57 EDT 2005

Dear all,
I would like to start doing registration using ITK. I run the sample: ImageRegistration8 for registering two Analyze head images, i.e:
- MRI image(Dimension:256, 256, 168 and Voxel size(mm): 0.86,0.86, 1.5)
- PET image(Dimension: 128, 128, 94 and Voxel size(mm): 2.0, 2.0, 3.0)
The registration process takes around 2 hours and 45 minutes with non-accurate result :(.
I would like to ask why does it take so long and how to make it faster?
Any hint would be really appreciated.
Best regards,

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