[Insight-users] how can I use the newmat C++ library for matrix operations

Seniha Esen Yuksel eseny99 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 28 22:50:50 EDT 2005

Hi all,
Do you know the newmat C++ library? It is a free matrix library http://www.robertnz.net/ol_doc.htm  and it allows you to do the matrix operations as if you are doing in matlab (such as C=A+B ). 
Anyways, I wanted to include this into my project, but I figured that in newmat.h, there is a class called MartixType such as:

class MatrixType
   enum Attribute {  .....
Well, also the itkRigid2DTransform.txx has such stuff  :-( 
such as:
template<class TScalarType>
SetRotationMatrix(const MatrixType & matrix )
  itkDebugMacro("setting  m_RotationMatrix  to " << matrix ); 
  // The matrix must be orthogonal otherwise it is not
  // representing a valid rotaion in 2D space
  typename MatrixType::InternalMatrixType test = 
    matrix.GetVnlMatrix() * matrix.GetTranspose();
Any easy way to get around this problem? Help will be very much appreciated,
Thanks a lot,

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