[Insight-users] why not ITK can read the spacing

Markus Weigert m.weigert at fz-juelich.de
Fri Apr 28 12:20:51 EDT 2006

Hi Luis,

he may be right.
I also encountered problems when reading certain
DICOM - MR - files and rendering the volume using the SliceView class.
Sometimes, the spacing is set to a value of 1.0 in z - direction,
although this is apparently wrong.
Using non itk - programms to display the image,
it is shown in the right way.



Luis Ibanez wrote:
<Hi Yixun,
<What lead you to think that the value of spacing[2] is incorrect ?
<Are you comparing the value of spacing[2] against the value in
<the DICOM header ?
<If so, then it is normal that they differ.
<The spacing[2] is computed using the difference in
<origin between consecutive slices. This value does not
<have to match the spacing value in the DICOM header.
< Regards,
<    Luis

Yixun Liu wrote:
> Hi,
> I use the below codes to read a series of MRI,
>  this->dicomReader = ReaderType_Short::New();//itk
>  itk::DICOMSeriesFileNames::Pointer nameGenerator = 
> itk::DICOMSeriesFileNames::New();
>  nameGenerator->SetDirectory( (const char*)strPath );
>  typedef std::vector<std::string> fileNamesContainer;
>  fileNamesContainer fileNames;
>  fileNames = nameGenerator->GetFileNames();
>  this->dicomReader->SetImageIO( itk::DICOMImageIO2::New() );
>  this->dicomReader->SetFileNames( fileNames ); 
>  this->dicomReader->Update();
> However, the spacing[2], namely spacing between slices, is uncorrect.
> Hope your help!
> Regards,
> Yixun Liu
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