[Insight-users] BSpline - deformable transformation with default multiresolution framework

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sat Apr 29 19:21:55 EDT 2006

Hi Markus,

You are correct in your observation.

The approach of using a multi-resolution BSpline grid is a different
mechanism than the one used in the standard multi-resolution framework.

In this case, as you pointed out, we are refining the transform itself.

At this point there is no direct way of integrating the BSpline multi
resolution with the pyramidal framework for multi-resolution
registration. It is, however, a very interesting undertaking and it will
be worth to invest some time on it if you find that in alignment with
your current work.

Please let us know if you need any help with the details of setting
up such a framework.



Markus Weigert wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had a look at the multiresolution example of BSpline - registration 
> (example 6)
> and noticed, that using BSpline in this way doesn't conform to the 
> multiresolution
> registration framework (especially, it uses two transform objects and 
> itkImageRegistrationMethod
> instead of using itkMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod).
> My question is now:
> Is there a way to integrate this transform in the multiresolution 
> framework to use it like any other transform,
> or do I have to change my code to deal with different registration 
> schemes???
> My goal is a class, which uses the multiresolution framework and 
> provides several metrics, optimizers,
> transforms and interpolators in a unified way.
> Regards,
> Markus
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