[Insight-users] looking for trilinear interpolator

Martin Urschler urschler at icg.tu-graz.ac.at
Sat Aug 5 04:32:12 EDT 2006

Shahabuddin Ansari wrote:
> Hello,
> I am not satisfied with the results of 3D rigid registration between two 
> brain MRIs using linear as well as nearest neigbor interpolator. I 
> wanted to use trilinear interpolator in 3D rigid registeration. Could 
> somebody guide where can I get it or any other suggestion? I appreciate it.


If you have tried linear interpolation on a 3D volume, then you already 
performed trilinear interpolation. Trilinear simply means linear 
interpolation in all three coordinate directions. More accurate 
interpolation methods would be BSplineInterpolation or 
WindowedSincInterpolation, however, these methods come at a much higher 
computational cost and might need additional memory. Especially on large 
3D volumes, you might run out of memory with the BSpline interpolator.


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