[Insight-users] Vectors field and Paraview ?

Xiaodong Lu xlu at viewray.com
Mon Aug 7 11:31:16 EDT 2006

Dear Remi

>From my understanding, the deformation field is actually a displacement
field of the reference image (fixed) to the moving image.
The registration transforms the moving image in the fixed image space. You
are right. Otherwise it is not easy to  figure out how each individual
pixels(physical) of image moves.


-----Original Message-----
From: insight-users-bounces+xlu=viewray.com at itk.org
[mailto:insight-users-bounces+xlu=viewray.com at itk.org] On Behalf Of
remi.chapeaublanc at free.fr
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 3:47 AM
To: insight-users at itk.org
Subject: [Insight-users] Vectors field and Paraview ?

Hey everyone,

After a deformable registration with ITK, I use the software Paraview to
visualise my vector field.

But the vectors directions are inverted... :-S

The registration transform the moving image in the fixe image space ? What
vector field show the invers ?

For the moment, I put the scale factor to -1 in paraview... but I want know
it's normal ?

Thanks in advance !!

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