[Insight-users] Reading Philips dicom data

C. Aaron Cois cacst11+ at pitt.edu
Wed Aug 30 16:04:24 EDT 2006

I'm having some trouble with DICOMSeriesFileNames in conjunction with 
some Philips dicom data I have, and was hoping someone could provide 
some insight.  The data is a bunch of 3D studies (~14) collected in one 
directory.  There are a lot of IM_#### (where # are numbers) files 
containing the image data, 14 PS_#### files, which I assume define each 
study, and 17 XX_#### files (I am unsure what these are).

I've always been able to handle dicom series easily by using 
DICOMSeriesFileNames, sending the filenames to the ImageSeriesReader and 
using GDCMImageIO.  In this case, however, my DICOMSeriesFileNames is 
reading in only one file.  What is odd to me is that it is reading in 
multiple UIDs and descriptions.  When I try to use the UIDs it reads in 
to get the filenames using GetFilename(UID), I get empty strings.  
Anyone have any thoughts?


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