[Insight-users] Problems with example ImageRegistration8

Markova Aneta amarkova at etro.vub.ac.be
Fri Jan 20 05:11:38 EST 2006

Hello Luis,

Thank you very much for the explanation.

> About the output volume not being generated correctly:

> Could you describe more precisely what do you see in
> the resampled volume that make you think it is computed
> incorrectly ?

> By looking at the resampled volume that I get here,
> the only thing that may look like a problem to you
> is the fact that there are gray areas around the image.
> This is normal, and is caused by the projection of the
> fixed image grid to fall outside of the moving image
> grid in some sections.

I am using VTK to visualize the output volume. What bother me are those
gray areas. As it seems from your explanation I don't do the
visualization correctly. Could you please give me a hint if there is a
way how to visualize the volumes without those gray areas? 

Below is the part of the code for visualization of the volumes. 

Thank you very much,

m_readerOutput->SetFileName( "D:\\Data\\Output.mhd" );
m_connectorOutput->SetInput( m_readerOutput->GetOutput() );		
vtkImageViewer *viewer = vtkImageViewer::New();	
vtkRenderWindowInteractor *renderWindowInteractor =

viewer->SetupInteractor ( renderWindowInteractor );			
viewer->SetInput ( m_connectorOutput->GetOutput() );			

viewer->SetColorWindow( 255 );						
viewer->SetColorLevel ( 128 );						
viewer->GetRenderWindow()->SetWindowName("Output Image");

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