[Insight-users] software guide reference

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue Jan 24 17:23:07 EST 2006

Hi Marius,

Thanks for pointing this out. It reminded us that we have missed to
update the citation information on the ITK FAQ.

Please find information about citing ITK references in the following
WIKI page of the ITK FAQ (now updated)


Here are the suggested ways of citing the first and second
editions of the ITK Software Guide:

   Title          = {The {ITK} {S}oftware {G}uide},
   Author         = {Ibanez, L. and Schroeder, W. and Ng, L. and Cates, J.},
   Organization   = "Kitware, Inc. ISBN 1-930934-10-6",
   Address        = {http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf},
   Edition        = {First},
   year           = {2003}

   Title          = {The {ITK} {S}oftware {G}uide},
   Author         = {Ibanez, L. and Schroeder, W. and Ng, L. and Cates, J.},
   Organization   = "Kitware, Inc. ISBN 1-930934-15-7",
   Address        = {http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf},
   Edition        = {Second},
   year           = {2005}

Please let us know if you have further questions,



Marius Staring wrote:
> Hi Luis and others,
> I am wondering about the correct reference to the ITK software guide. I 
> have seen many variants in literature references.
> Like:
> @book{ITK,
>      author =      {Luis {Ib\'a\~nez} and Will Schroeder and Lydia Ng 
> and Josh Cates},
> or   author =      {Luis Ibanez and Will Schroeder and Lydia Ng and Josh 
> Cates},
>      title =       {The {ITK} Software Guide},
> or   title =       {The {ITK} Software Guide: The Insight Segmentation 
> and Registration Toolkit},
>      year =        {2003},
>      publisher =   {Kitware Inc.},
> or   publisher =   {Insight Software Consortium},
>      url =         {http://www.itk.org},
>      isbn =        {1-930934-10-6},
> }
> And what would be the correct reference to the second edition of the guide?
> Regards,

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