[Insight-users] dgeqrf, dorgqr don't work properly

Jesse C Cronce croncejc at mrctr.upmc.edu
Wed Jan 25 16:54:33 EST 2006


The dgeqrf and the dorgqr that come in the 


directory do not return valid results. I found this (initially) by using
octave to do [Q,R] = qr( J, 0 ) - with the blas / atlas stuff that I
have built, when I then do Q*R I end up with the original J. When the
code is linked to the libraries that are in the Insight toolkit and call
the dorgqr.c code, the value returned from Q*R is the different than J
by a large amount. Now that I have this working correctly, I'm ok, but
these functions should probably be disabled until they are fixed so that
in the future someone doesn't stumble on the same problem.


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