[Insight-users] UpdateLargestPossibleRegion exception on largeimage

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue Jul 18 14:31:22 EDT 2006

Hi Normand,

Thanks for posting the details.

It seems that we can discard memory exhaustion as
the source of the problem.

We should suspect of a pointer misuse at this point.

Please post a minimal version of your code that is
compilable and still exhibits this behavior.

   Thanks a lot,


Normand Mongeau wrote:
> Sorry, pixel type is unsigned char.
> Normand
>> Hi Luis,
>>> The only limitation is the physical+virtual memory
>>> of your computer.
>>> It is likely that you are running out of memory.
>> Hmm that is very unlikely.
>>> What is the pixel type of this image ?
>> 8 bit UBYTE.
>>> How many filters do you have in your pipeline ?
>> Only one.
>>> How much RAM memory do you have in your machine ?
>> 2 gb.
>>> Please monitor the memory usage as you run your
>>> application from the start. You can do this with
>>> the Task Manager if you are developing in Windows,
>>> or with a tool such as top or ksysguard in Linux.
>> Immediately before the call to UpdateLargestPossibleRegion(), 
>> available memory is over 1 gb, as reported by the Windows task manager.
>>> Please let us know what you find,
>> Would posting my code help diagnose the problem?
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Normand
>>> ======================
>>> Normand Mongeau wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>  is there some kind of limitation with 
>>>> UpdateLargestPossibleRegion()? I'm trying to filter a 512 x 512 x 
>>>> 512 image and I keep getting an error. Smaller images do not give me 
>>>> the error.  The error goes like this:
>>>>  Unhandled exception at 0x7c81eb33: Microsoft C++ exception: 
>>>> itk::ExceptionObject @ 0x0a5df9b8.
>>>>  Even by trying to use smaller regions I get the error.
>>>>  Thanks
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
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