[Insight-users] A bug possibly related to itkGDCMImageIO

Thomas Lambertz thomas at hexerei-software.de
Fri Jun 2 10:05:36 EDT 2006

Hi Li,

i dont think its a bug in GDCMImageIO. I use both Visual Studio and 
GDCMImageIO under Win32 and x64 and they work fine (for me).

You may have a look wether you mixed release and debug code in your 
project. In a release-version there shouldnt be a msvcr80d.dll - instead 
msvcr80.dll be used. Have a look under project properties -> 
Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation ->Runtime Library. 
Multi-threadded DLL (/MD) should be used instead of Multi-threadded 
Debug DLL (/MDd).


An, Li (NIH/NINDS) [E] wrote:
> I’m using Visual Studio 2005 to build a 3D image registration program. 
> The registration program works well if I build the project using the 
> ITK debug library. However, the program crashes in run-time if it is 
> built using the ITK release library. The program crashes when it is 
> reading 2D DICOM image slices and combining them into 3D ITK images. 
> The error message says that the crashed module is msvcr80d.dll. Has 
> anyone reported a similar problem?
> Thanks,
> Li
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