[Insight-users] Re: Status of 2D/3D registration in ITK

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Jun 19 10:59:24 EDT 2006

Hi Jean-Michel,

The best example to start looking at is in:


The code has not been tested extensively.

However the DDR component have been used quite a bit.

It may require you to get familiar with the way
ITK transforms are defined and composed.

Regarding the registration part, as usual, they will
be some need for fine tunning parameters in the
optimizer and selecting an appropriate image metric.

Please let me know if you find any problems.



Jean-Michel Rouet wrote:
> Ola Luis,
> Como estas ? Hace mucho tiempo no ?
> I have some collegues that are trying to use ITK to align a 3D dataset 
> on a 2D projection (for example using Rigid3DPerspectiveTransform or the 
> sample code of IntensityBased2D3DRegistration).
> Apparently it is either not obvious how to use itk in that purpose, or 
> it is not extensively tested and totally buggy :-)
> Do you know whether some people have succesfully used this feature ? Is 
> it already used somewhere ? is there any documentation somewhere, or 
> even some code examples ?
> Would you need also some feedback on our own experiments ?
> Regards,
> Jean-Michel.
> PS: feel free to forward this question on the ITK mailing list. I know 
> it's bad, but since we do not subscribe anymore to this list, may you 
> also kindly send me directly any reply?
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jean-Michel Rouet (PhD)
> Senior Research Scientist & IT Manager, Medical Imaging Systems (Medisys)
> Philips Medical Systems Research Paris / Philips France
> 51, rue Carnot - BP 301 - 92156 Suresnes Cedex - France
> Tel:  (+33),      Fax: (+33)
> E-mail: Jean-Michel.Rouet at philips.com

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