[Insight-users] 3D rigid registration on brain images

Grace Chen Grace.Chen at swri.ca
Mon Jun 19 12:39:59 EDT 2006

Hi ITK expert, 

I have two brain images that needs to be registered.  And their physical information are:

Fixed Image --
  Origin = -116.800 -129.287 -53.4270
  Spacing = 0.937500 0.937500 5.00000
  Extent = 256 256 18

Moving Image --
  Origin = -148.048 -159.658 -99.7073
  Spacing = 1.17188 1.17188 5.50000
  Extent = 256 256 28

The registration result doesn't seem sensible.....  Is it because the physical extent (in the z direction) of the two images differ by too much??  Can someone tell me if the physical size of the two volumes HAVE TO be close for the regitration program to work properly??

I've get stucked by this question long enough...Please specify for me the precondition on the input images of the ITK registration program!!  Thanx!


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