[Insight-users] Storing images on a database as BLOB

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Thu Jun 29 11:37:15 EDT 2006

Hi Shlomo,

MySQL and pgSQL both support BLOBs and it works fairly well. I was using 
them to store large datasets (not images though).

When you talk about writing a "module", do you mean a C++ class (like 
the ImageIO classes) that would automatically read/write an ITK image 
from/to the database? If this is the case, I'll be interested in this 
class. Let me know if you need help.

I would assume that Oracle would deal better with very large BLOBs than 
MySQL/pgSQL but I'd be interested to see some statistical comparisons.


Shlomo Kashani wrote:
> Hi,
> The project I am currently working on has to store a large number of images
> on a database and then access and process them. I have successfully used
> Oracle before for storing Binary Large Objects (BLOBS) such as images
> directly into the database in some other non ITK project and I was wondering
> if anyone has done the same for instance with the open source SQL database.
> If not, would anyone be interested in such a module in case I decide to
> write it ?
> Thank you,
> Shlomo Kashani.

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