[Insight-users] Display image wit h ITK+VTK in SDI Applica tion

Alexander.Wang zjjywmy at 163.com
Thu May 11 03:50:44 EDT 2006

Thanks for your warmly help. But it seems not because of the filename's slashes. When i change the filename as the method your proposed, the exception was thrown out as before. And further more, i succeed in displaying image in Win32 console application, using both '\' and '/'. So i think the bug lies somewhere esle.
Thanks again and i'll appreciate your further help!

发件人:"Karthik Krishnan" 
发送时间:2006-05-10 23:11:42
抄送:insight-users at itk.org
主题:Re: [Insight-users] Display image with ITK+VTK in SDI Applica tion

On Wed, 2006-05-10 at 22:07 +0800, Alexander.Wang wrote:
> Hi users,
> I recently started working on ITK, and I want to display images in
> windows using SDI Application. But there is some problem. When the
> Update() function of imagereader is executing, an exception is thrown
> out which says" Unhandles exception in ***.exe (KERNEL32.DLL):
> 0xE06D7363: Microsoft C++ Exception". Does anybody could give me some
> help? Thanks in advance. 
> Sincerely, Alexander

> CString strFile="";
> char szFilter[]="bmp文件(*.bmp)|*.bmp|All files(*.*)|*.*||";
> dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir=".";
> if(dlg.DoModal()==IDOK)
> {
>  strFile=dlg.GetPathName();
> }
> imageReader2D_1->SetFileName( strFile );

I suspect the filename's slashes are getting escaped. It should end up
looking like c:/foo/foo.png or like "c:\\foo\\foo.png" You could use
itksys to convert these paths from the native windows style paths.

#include "itksys/SystemTools.hxx"

std::string fname = strFile
if (!itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(fname.c_str()))
  std::cerr << fname << " doesn't exist.. check again" << std::endl;

> //Exception thrown out when executing this expression
> imageReader2D_1->Update();
> vtkImageViewer* viewer=vtkImageViewer::New();
> vtkRenderWindowInteractor*
> ImgRenderWindowInteractor=vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New();
> connector->SetInput(imageReader2D_1->GetOutput());
> HWND hwnd = this->GetSafeHwnd();
> viewer->SetParentId(hwnd);
> viewer->SetPosition(0,0);
> viewer->SetSize(512,512);
> viewer->SetupInteractor(ImgRenderWindowInteractor);
> viewer->SetInput(connector->GetOutput());
> viewer->Render();
> viewer->SetColorWindow(255);
> viewer->SetColorLevel(128);
> ImgRenderWindowInteractor->Start();
> //Code End
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