[Insight-users] Bug Report (with bugfix): GDCM SerieHelper::SplitOnOrientation

Csaba Csoma csoma at jhu.edu
Tue May 23 17:42:25 EDT 2006


  Using GDCMSeriesFileNames to search for volumes the Series
  Restriction should be this:
   "0020|0052" - Frame Of Reference (invalid coords if changed)
   "0020|000e" - Series Instance UID (series defined by the scanner)
   "0020|0037" - Patient Orientation

  The "Patient Orientation" is necessary since in MRI the scout
  scan will create 3 volumes (axial, sagittal and coronal) into
  a singles series.

  But the GE scanner (NIH, Bethesda) created the following Orientations:
  so AddSeriesRestriction or SerieHelper::SplitOnOrientation will
  split this single volume into multiple (sub) volumes.

  The problem is due to rounding error in the GE scanner, but the
  float/double variable is known to not be precise for == type
  comparisons. (Floating point is implemented using fractional
  powers of 2, so it is an approximation of the real value.)


  AddSeriesRestriction is not a solution, since the Orientation is
  written in 0020 0037 or 0020 0035 - and it would not be a generic
  solution anyway.

  GDCM SerieHelper::SplitOnOrientation can be used if it will crop the
  last decimal of the cosines strings. Something like this:

  std::string CropLastDecimal(std::string s)
      if ( s.size() < s.find_first_of('.')+1 )
         return s.substr(0, s.size()-1);
      return s;

  called for each element of the cosines matrix.

  Sure this could be made into a more robust solution (compare with
  "abs" in floating or double variable level) in long run.


Csaba Csoma
Systems Engineer
Johns Hopkins University
3400  North Charles Str.
B26 New Engineering Bldg
Baltimore, MD 21218-2682
Phone: (410) 516-4991
mailto:csoma at jhu.edu
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