[Insight-users] DiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter

Christina Rossmanith ChrRossmanith at gmx.de
Fri Oct 20 09:53:24 EDT 2006


the DiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter isn't working for me as expected - I'm getting a result containing only 0-tensors...

Now the details:

I have 21 DWI DICOM files (3 slices, 1 b0 reference volume, 6 diffusion weighted volumes; 3*(6+1)=21).
I read them using 
-   itk::GDCMImageIO
-   itk::GDCMSeriesFileNames
This is working fine, I've saved the volumes as .nii.gz files and can display them afterwards.

The gradient directions are stored in an ASCII file and can be read and normalized easily.

The volumes are added one after another to the DiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter tensorReconstructor using the SetReferenceImage() and the AddGradientImage() methods.

Finally I set the number of threads to 1 (as recommended), b-value to 1000 and threshold to 0. After calling tensorReconstructor->Update() and writing the volume to disk the result is ... a 0 tensor volume (checked with avwstats from FSL). Quite frustrating...

I have attached the source code. Maybe someone can give me a hint what I'm doing wrong.

Christina Rossmanith
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