[Insight-users] Multiple seeds for Fastmarchingimagefilter

Dan Mueller d.mueller at qut.edu.au
Mon Jul 16 19:12:17 EDT 2007


Firstly, the \index section is a LaTeX command for adding an entry in 
the index. The ITK examples are designed in such a way that the ITK 
Software Guide ( http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf ) is generated 
directly from the source code files - pretty cool hey?! If you open this 
document (see above link) you will see the result in the Index section 
at the end of the document.

Now, to edit the example code in 
Examples/Segmentation/FastMarchingImageFilter.cxx to add multiple seeds 
you need only insert more elements to the NodeContainer:

typedef FastMarchingFilterType::NodeContainer NodeContainer;
typedef FastMarchingFilterType::NodeType NodeType;
NodeContainer::Pointer seeds = NodeContainer::New();

InternalImageType::IndexType seedPosition1;
seedPosition1[0] = 25; // You can read this from the command line if you 
seedPosition1[1] = 25; // You can read this from the command line if you 

InternalImageType::IndexType seedPosition2;
seedPosition2[0] = 50; // You can read this from the command line if you 
seedPosition2[1] = 50; // You can read this from the command line if you 

const double seedValue = 0.0;

NodeType node1;
node1.SetValue( seedValue );
node1.SetIndex( seedPosition1 );

NodeType node2;
node2.SetValue( seedValue );
node2.SetIndex( seedPosition2 );

seeds->InsertElement( 0, node1 ); // Adds the first seed position
seeds->InsertElement( 1, node2 ); // Adds the second seed position
                                  // You can add as many seeds as you want

Hope this helps!

Cheers, Dan

toluwalase lasaki wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to find out how I can edit the fastmarchingimagefilter code 
> to allow for additional seed points. I attempted to do it by 
> introducting additional arguments and modifying the part of the code 
> that defines the nodes but I was unsuccessful. 
> Can someone please assist me with this? Your help will be much 
> appreciated.
> Thank you,
> \index{itk::FastMarchingImageFilter!Multiple seeds}
> Also, what exactly does this mean? I'm guessing it's pointing me to 
> some information in deoxygen but I can't seem to find this 
> information. Any ideas?
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