[Insight-users] Question related to Demons algorithm and FEM

Ruben Schilling r.b.schilling at googlemail.com
Tue Jul 17 11:14:32 EDT 2007


you might search this list using Google to see what other uses asked  
in the past, but I would recommend you to read the research papers to  
understand what the algorithms do. You can then read the  
implementation in ITK line by line.

Run time of the algorithm depends on your parameter settings. As far  
as I know binary should be ok for FEM, although I don't know whether  
it makes sense to throw away grayvalue information in your case.
If you have a more specific question post it again.

Search this mailinglist via Google without time constraints by typing  
at Google.com:

[your keywords] [site:public.kitware.com]


Am 17.07.2007 um 16:38 schrieb Shah Abhishek:

> Hi,
> I want to register a 3-D image either by using either demons  
> algorithm or FEM.I know that this a very generalized question but  
> any help/guidance would be great as I have just started using ITK  
> one week ago.
> Some of my specific questions are as follows:
> 1)Please post me some of your experiences while working with both/ 
> either demons algorithm and FEM.
> 2)Which method would run faster on a 3-D image?
> 3)Does FEM method work on binary images?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Shah Abhishek

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