[Insight-users] a registration problem

tony hakki tony2007vtk at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 13 05:39:58 EST 2007

Hello Dear ITK users;
I met a problem which is difficult to overcome it. I hope somebody will repy me that which is really important and urgent for me:( I have tried to implement PointSetToImage registration. when I run the my program the registration starts and continues 3 minutes then it gives break or continue error; and a program page is opened  which name is just vector it neither vector.h nor vector.cxx ,just vector  on that pages it shows the following line.
What might the problem do you think? any suggestion will be really appreciated. Thank you very much

error shows that line which is in file of vector

const_iterator begin() const
{ // return iterator for beginning of nonmutable sequence
return (const_iterator(_Myfirst, this));


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