[Insight-users] Number and size of regions?

Christian Marshall Rieck rieck at stud.ntnu.no
Tue Mar 27 09:47:03 EST 2007

Is there any way of getting the number and sizes of different regions in 
an image? I have thresholded it and have a binary image with black 
background with 1..N white (val=255) blobs in 3D. 

I tried to iterate through it and look for values of 255, and if found 
deliver this to a neighborhoodfilter to set it to a unique value. (then 
Then the final value of value would give me the number of segments and a 
histogram of the resulting image would give me the size of the regions. 
However, this does not work. I pass the image::pointer to the 
markRegions-function but the changes made there is not detected back in 
the iteration. MarkRegion is called the number of white voxels in the 
original image. 


template<class ImageType>
int markDifferentSegments(typename ImageType::Pointer image){

	std::cout << "called markDifferent" << std::endl;
	typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator<ImageType> itType;
	ImageType::IndexType index;
	int color = 1;
	itType it(image, image->GetRequestedRegion());
	while(!(it.IsAtEnd())) {
		if(it.Get() == 255) {
			markRegion<ImageType>(image, color, 

	std::cout << (color-1) << " regioner funnet. " << std::endl;
	WriteImageFile<ImageType>(image, "markTest.mhd");
	return color;

template<class ImageType>
typename ImageType::Pointer markRegion(typename ImageType::Pointer image, 
int color, typename ImageType::IndexType index) {

	ImageType::Pointer ret;
	typedef itk::NeighborhoodConnectedImageFilter<ImageType, 
ImageType> neighType;
	neighType::Pointer neigh = neighType::New();

	ImageType::SizeType radius;
	radius[0] = 0;
	radius[1] = 0;
	radius[2] = 0;

	ImageType::Pointer ret = neigh->GetOutput();
	catch(itk::ExceptionObject &exep) {
		std::cerr << exep;

	std::cout << "returning " << color << std::endl; 
	return ret;

best regards,
Christian Marshall Rieck
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