[Insight-users] how to save a dicom file after processing Vol 37, Issue 2

Antoine Leimgruber antoine.leimgruber at sokal.ch
Tue May 1 12:52:26 EDT 2007

Hi Chris,

I am also trying to use DicomImageReadChangeHeaderWrite to edit dicom headers, I do it exactly the way you do.
I would like to point out something that might be an issue for you (it is one for me).
I remarked that if you read a dicom image/volume and write it as a new image without editing anything in the header, the header would still be modified. UID tags would be edited with the present date/time values. Any attempt to modify them in the course of code execution will be overridden at the time of writing the file.
I did not check that pixel data was modified while editing the header.


>Message: 1
>Date: Tue, 1 May 2007 20:47:55 +0800
>From: "Chris Lee" <yuexili at gmail.com>
>Subject: [Insight-users] how to save a dicom file after processing
>	with its	original header infomation
>To: Insight-users <insight-users at itk.org>, yuexili at gmail.com
>	<692f31a80705010547pf9490b8t7545956c372c525f at mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>Hi, itkers,
>I need help about the problem how to save a dicom file after processing with
>its orginal header infomation.
>In detail, I filter and segment a dicom image file, for example, CT image,
>and I want the result file can be saved in the format of dicom and with the
>same header infomation( including image position, instance number and so on
>I learned from the example "DicomImageReadChangeHeaderWrite",.
>However, when I run this example, I made the paramaters Entry as "
>0020|0013", Value as "7".
>As a result, I found the output dicom image file with the correct Instance
>Number as 7, and the image content (the pixel data) was changed.
>Did I misunderstand this example?
>And if I want to achive my goal as the title said, what can I do?
>Thank you.
>Best wishes,

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