[Insight-users] marching cube

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Sep 20 21:00:42 EDT 2007

Hi Anne-Laure,

You said:

  "I'd like to mesh only the white part without lungs."

Do you mean that you want to fill-in the lungs,
and only extract the skin of the patient ?

If so, you can simply use any of the RegionGrowing
filters, put seed points inside of the lungs and
fill them up with a 255 level.

Whether you should use VTK for extracting the surface
or not, depends on what you intend to do with the

Are you going to render it ?

Are you going to use it as a template for a deformable model ?

    Please let us know,



annelaure wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a 3D scan of lungs and thorax. I made a binary image with the
> background and lungs of my scan equal to 0, and the skin+muscles+fatty
> tissue equal
> to 255. Now, I'd like to mesh only the white part without lungs. (slice of
> my scan : http://www710.univ-lyon1.fr/~adidier/scan.PNG). So, my mesh will
> have 2 holes instead of lungs. Can I use a marching cube? Is it necessary to
> use vtk? I used surfaceextraction.cxx in Itk and I obtained the number of
> nodes and cells, but what can I do with these informations?
> Thank you so much for your help,
> Anne-Laure

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