[Insight-users] Help on Kalman Filter
milentie at arcor.de
milentie at arcor.de
Thu Sep 27 09:21:28 EDT 2007
Hi everyone,
I need the Kalman Filter for filtering of some data, but I dont know how to used, so thats why I'm showing you my problem.
I have 4 fix InfraRed Leds in form of rectangle, and a camera in my hand, that can track the position of the 4 IR Leds. Then I want to estimate the postion and the rotation(Tx,Ty,Tz,roll,yaw and pitch) of the camera in respect of the 4 IR leds. So I'm minimazing a projection function:
C*P*R*T*Xworld = Xpic
C - camera matrix with intrisic parameters ( known )
P - perspective projection
R - rotation matrix ( unknown )
T - translation matrix ( unknown )
Xw - world coordinate of the 4 IR Leds (known)
Xp - is what I have from the camera ( known )
so afte the non-linear minimization of this functin I have as result Tx,Ty,Tz,roll,pitch and yaw.
Offline, I can measure tha variance and the Covariance .
Now I want to have them more accurate and thats why I need the "Kalman Filter", but I dont kown how to use it. Do I need some equation for the process modell and the measuerament modell, if yes how it goint to look like. Another question is, do I need the normal Kalman Filter or the Extended Kalman Filter.
Thanks in advance,
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