[Insight-users] regionGrowingSegmentation compiling error

Margaret Zhao margaretzhao at u-systems.com
Thu Apr 3 19:29:23 EDT 2008

Hi, all -


  I tried to compile regionGrowingSegmentation coming from


  I am using ITK 3.4, VTK 5.0.4 and FLTK 1.1.8, and window XP, VS 2005.


  Here is what I did -


  CMake ITK w/ ITK_USE_PATENTED ON and build

  CMake VTK and build

  CMake FLTK and build

  CMake InsightApplication w/ USE_FLTK ON, USE_VTK ON and USE_PATENT ON


  Open InsightApplications solution and build regionGrowingSegmentation


  But I got the following errors -


1>.\RegionGrowingSegmentationGUI.cxx(265) : error C2039:
'WriteFuzzyConnectedImage' : is not a member of

n/RegionGrowingSegmentationGUI.h(19) : see declaration of

1>.\RegionGrowingSegmentationGUI.cxx(286) : error C2065:
'm_FuzzyConnectedImageFilter' : undeclared identifier

1>.\RegionGrowingSegmentationGUI.cxx(286) : error C2227: left of
'->SetMean' must point to class/struct/union/generic type

1>        type is ''unknown-type''

1>.\RegionGrowingSegmentationGUI.cxx(293) : error C2227: left of
'->SetVariance' must point to class/struct/union/generic type

1>        type is ''unknown-type''

1>.\RegionGrowingSegmentationGUI.cxx(300) : error C2227: left of
'->SetDiff_Mean' must point to class/struct/union/generic type

1>                            type is ''unknown-type''



  Any idea what is going on here?  Any suggestiosn will be helpful.


   Thanks a lot in advance!





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