[Insight-users] OPEN ACCESS: NIH POLICY EFFECTIVE : Monday April 7 2008

Torsten Rohlfing torsten at synapse.sri.com
Mon Apr 7 13:30:14 EDT 2008

Hi Luis and everyone:

While this is being raised, I would like to ask a question that at least 
I cannot find answered anywhere in the information provided by the NIH.

  What exactly is an "article"?

The NIH FAQ seems to use the terms "peer-reviewed article" and "journal 
paper" interchangeably, but they are not the same (conference papers are 
often peer reviewed as well). SO what exactly does the policy apply to?

Maybe someone enlightened can shine some light on this for me.


> The NIH Public Access policy
>              http://publicaccess.nih.gov/
> states that:
>                    As of *April 7 2008*
>          *all articles* arising from NIH funds
>          *must* be submitted to PubMed Central
>          upon *acceptance* for publication.

Torsten Rohlfing, PhD          SRI International, Neuroscience Program
 Research Scientist             333 Ravenswood Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025
  Phone: ++1 (650) 859-3379      Fax: ++1 (650) 859-2743
   torsten at synapse.sri.com        http://www.stanford.edu/~rohlfing/

     "Though this be madness, yet there is a method in't"

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