[Insight-users] applying a transform to an otherset of images

ludovic Ferrer ferrer.ludovic at neuf.fr
Thu Apr 10 17:50:23 EDT 2008

Hi all once again,
I made a mistake in my last mail. All values were 0 or 32768. Moreover,
my NM input file was not as expected. All pixel values were above 32768.

I substracted 32768 to my NM files and performed my registration once  
I finally had a file for which pixels values seem to be correct except  
that my resampled volume is partially out of my image althought my CT  
scan were centered.

I think I found the reason why I have a misregistration between my CT  
scan and my resampled NM volume.
My CT scan is 256*256*128, my NM Volume is 128*128*128. So, resampling  
my NM volume according to my CT  volume lead to  a NM volume size of  
256*256*256. And as, my CT volume has 128 slices, my NM volume is  
cropped to 128 slices.
Forgive to ask such a stupid question but
How could I correctly resample in X,Y direction without touching to z ?



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