[Insight-users] Visualizing a 2D deformation field - the answer

Boettcher, Dr. Peter Boettcher at kleintierklinik.uni-leipzig.de
Mon Apr 14 16:00:49 EDT 2008

Thank you Karthikö. This is what I found out ...


Here are the answers I was looking for when I tried to visualize the deformation fields produced by the 2D deformable image registration examples


First one has to change the 2D-vector declaration to a 3D-vector declaration. 


const     unsigned int   Dimension = 2;

  typedef   float          VectorComponentType;

  typedef   itk::Vector< VectorComponentType, 3 >    VectorType;

  typedef   itk::Image< VectorType,  Dimension >   DeformationFieldType;



Then we have to fill the third component of the vector with zero (after computation of the deformation field).






  catch( itk::ExceptionObject & excp )


    std::cerr << "Exception thrown " << std::endl;

    std::cerr << excp << std::endl;

    return EXIT_FAILURE;



  DeformationFieldType::Pointer deformationField = deformer->GetOutput();


Now we have to loop over all vectors within the deformation field and set the 3rd component to the desired value:


DeformationFieldType::PixelType VectorValue;

  DeformationFieldType::SizeType size = deformationField->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize();



  DeformationFieldType::IndexType vectorIndex;


  for(int y = 0; y < size[1]; y++)

  for(int x = 0; x < size[0]; x++)


                  vectorIndex[0] = x; // x position

                vectorIndex[1] = y; // y position



                  VectorValue = deformationField->GetPixel( vectorIndex);

                  VectorValue[2] = 0.0; // z component

                  deformationField->SetPixel(vectorIndex, VectorValue);



Finally we save the deformation field using the meta-image file format (*.mdh). This file can be loaded with Paraview. 


typedef itk::ImageFileWriter<  DeformationFieldType  > FieldWriterType;


  FieldWriterType::Pointer Fieldwriter = FieldWriterType::New();


  Fieldwriter->SetInput (  deformationField );


  Fieldwriter->SetFileName( argv[5] );


  deformer->Print( std::cout );






  catch( itk::ExceptionObject & excp )


    std::cerr << "Exception thrown by writer" << std::endl;

    std::cerr << excp << std::endl;

    return EXIT_FAILURE;



Putting some glyphs onto the image makes the deformation visible.


Regards, Peter.

Peter Böttcher, Dr med vet, DipECVS
European Veterinary Specialist in Surgery
Fachtierarzt für Kleintierchirurgie
Klinik für Kleintiere 
Universität Leipzig 
An den Tierkliniken 23 
D-04103 Leipzig (Germany)
Tel: +49-341-9738700 
Fax: +49-341-9738799
email: boettcher at kleintierklinik.uni-leipzig.de

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