[Insight-users] Kd-tree implementation in ITK is buggy and unreliable
Ali -
saveez at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 22 15:17:25 EDT 2008
Ah, forgot the attachment!
As you know, testing algorithms like nearest neighbour search on some specific datasets do not provide the sufficient condition for the health of the code. At the moment, I cannot think of a more general solution than this trial-error approach.
The bug I mentioned seems to be different to the one reported. In the attached point-sets p1 and p2, if you try to find out the nearest neighbours of each point in p1 in p2 by the implementation of kd-tree in ITK, one of them is assigned to a wrong neighbour. By visualising the result it is easy to spot the problem.
Hope this helps.
> Please describe when the problem occurs, or better yet give some example
> code that demonstrates the error.
> I notice that there is an open bug in the bugtracker about kd trees :
> http://www.paraview.org/Bug/bug_view_advanced_page.php?bug_id=5082
> I notice that there is a test for the kdtrees :
> Insight/Testing/Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkKdTreeGeneratorTest.cxx
> Are these anything like the problem you are seeing?
Bag extra points with the Walkers Brit Trip Game
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